Could’a, would’a, should’a…
There are so many ways to say it.
Times have changed so much since I was pregnant with twins, however, as I look back years later, there are a few things that I would have done differently (especially since that was my only pregnancy).

Walking around with a pregnant belly the size of a planet and boobs the size of cantaloupes really weighed me down during the final stretch of pregnancy. And if I’m being honest, more often than not, those cute and fun things moms do while pregnant (weekly journal entries, gender reveals, etc.) were thrown out the window.
Sure I tried to be mindful and spoil myself with self-care and pampering as much as I possibly could ( i.e. pedicures and that prenatal massage subscription, I’m looking at you). Even with these things in mind, there are still a few things I would have done differently.

I would have taken more videos while I was pregnant.
I did plenty of random weekly belly pics, but damn I wish I would have taken more videos. Now I would love to look back and see my excitement, my nerves, and my anxious heart after years of infertility. Those memories would be cool to show my kids now. Also I would have changed the camera I used to take those said belly pics. I took pictures on my phone, and gosh, technology has changed quite a bit since then! Let’s just say some of my most treasured pictures are grainy.

I would have tried to find another friend pregnant with twins.
Oddly enough, I was pregnant at the exact same time as a few of my best friends (score! I know.). What was tricky about that was the fact that we were really going through two vastly different experiences. Having gone through IVF and carrying two babies at once was a lot for my body as well as my mental and emotional stamina. I wish I would have been able to find another person to chat with during my pregnancy who was also expecting multiples to share my experiences with.
I would have tried to take one last trip as a couple.
Newsflash, when you are carrying around two babies in your belly, you grow outwards a bit faster. At the time, for many reasons, we didn’t plan on taking a “babymoon”. Our work schedules were busy up until my due date, our finances were strapped due to IVF, I was uncomfortable with two rapidly growing babies, and we had a few pregnancy complications. So naturally, a babymoon got pushed to the back burner. I would have gone back and at least planned on a small one nighter away together, even if that meant staying the night at a hotel down the street.
I would have been more specific on our meal train service.
One of the sweetest gestures our friends made was organizing a meal service for us once we got back from the hospital. For weeks, we had friends dropping off meals to help give us a break while we settled into life with our newborn twins. It was amazing! They made us some super creative meals. One favorite was this Korean Short Ribs recipe from my college buddy!
However, some meals were so heavy that my husband and I couldn’t eat them. We were trying to meet the demands of parenting twins without going into an instant food coma! At the time, I felt guilty requesting specific food because, by nature, I am a people pleaser. I didn’t want to seem picky or ungrateful. Looking back, I would have been more specific about those meals. I realize now that it didn’t mean I was being difficult, but simply trying to take care of myself…and that starts with fueling up with good food!
Made our wedding album and individual baby books for our twins while I was still pregnant!
Crazy, I know. I have been married 10 years, am a mom to 4-year-olds, and I have neither a wedding album nor baby books to show for it. Geesh! I really feel liked I dropped the ball here. I’ve got photos for all occasions, but just never got around to making albums during my twin pregnancy. The idea was on my to-do list but got shoved to the bottom. The boy’s baby book consists of a ton of ultrasounds combined into one book, with a few notes from me here and there. Way to go, Meghan! Who gets that book when they are older? There are two of them. Again, I would have played that one out differently!
Although I can’t hop in the Delorean and go back in time, I can toss these regrets out there. If you’re pregnant with twins, maybe you can learn from my mistakes and do things a little differently during your twin pregnancy. Since this was my first and last pregnancy, it is bittersweet to look back on, but an experience that I am grateful for and will cherish for the rest of my life.