Congratulations are in order, you’re pregnant with twins! Trying to navigate pregnancy can be exciting and challenging. With two babies in your belly, managing the preparations before the arrival of your twins will keep you plenty busy. One thing you will want to pay attention to is what happens when you get discharged and head home with your newborn twins. Whether they require time in the NICU or you, fortunately, get to go home immediately, you’ll be in charge of two tiny humans. Here are some things to keep in mind when you are exhausted both physically and mentally after leaving the hospital with newborn twins.

Before Leaving the Hospital With Newborn Twins
We understand how ready you are to get home and start your life with your bundles of joy. To help you manage expectations, let us tell you a little secret. Plan on waiting. Don’t expect to wake up, pack your bags and head out. In the hospital, you’ll have to sign paperwork and meet with doctors to ensure you are able to safely go home. This can take a while, depending on the hospital, staffing, and the number of other families awaiting discharge in the birthing wing.
As You Get Ready to Leave the Hospital…

Make sure you have two car seats that are properly installed in your vehicle.
As you are leaving the hospital with newborn twins, make sure to have their car seats properly installed before driving home. This seems like a no-brainer, but when you leave the hospital you are exhausted. You are healing and have been learning to navigate two babies up at all hours of the night. It’s easy to overlook the most basic things. It’s a good idea to do this and have them inspected well before your babies arrive.
Take advantage of any hospital resources, such as lactation consultants or classes on newborn care.
Make sure to follow any instructions given to you by your healthcare provider to ensure a healthy recovery for both you and your babies. It’s easy to want to get back into the swing of life, but when you get home, make sure you take it easy so your body can recover and heal. Taking your medications (if you need to) is important for pain management. In addition, make sure your drink plenty of water. Additionally, eat a nutrient-rich diet to promote healing and a healthy milk supply. Even if you do not plan to breastfeed, your body will thank you for staying hydrated and nourished.
In addition, take advantage of the hospital resources, well before you are on your way out of the door. The hospital resources and staff can help to ease your transition into twin parenthood and give you the tools you need to feel successful in those early weeks and months.
Pack your diaper bag with plenty of diapers, wipes, bottles, formula (if necessary), extra clothes, and blankets for each baby.
The first rule of thumb as a parent of twins is to always be prepared for anything. While you are packing your hospital bags, be sure that you include a diaper bag, packed full of all the necessities and then some. Here again, use the hospital as a resource. Before you are leaving the hospital with newborn twins, stock up. Snag diapers, wipes, and other necessities that the hospital has stocked in your room, after all, you’ve paid for it all with your hospital stay!
Don’t hesitate to ask for help or advice from family, friends, or healthcare professionals as you adjust to life with your twins.
Remember to take care of yourself as well, by resting when possible and seeking assistance with household tasks. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or support from family and friends during this exciting but challenging time. If you need support with dishes, laundry, or even walking the dog, accept it. If you don’t seem to have people popping by to help, reach out and ask for it. Asking is easier said than done, but do it. People love to step up and help new parents bring home multiples.

Best of luck on your journey as a new parent of twins! We are here for you! Please reach out.